Welcome to my online home.

Hi to all my visitors. Pull up a chair and have a cuppa.
I am a forty something Mam of four awesome children and Mammo to two equally amazing grandchildren.
I have been crafting almost all of my life in one way or another but got seriously into it following the death of my dear Dad Donald, I picked up a magazine with a cross stitch kit on and worked on it through the mourning period. I then found that I got more satisfaction doing the smaller card size projects, and my love of card making took off from there. Since then I dabble in paper craft and MDF storage making. My other crafts include knitting, crochet, loom work, and baking.
I found all of my craftiness vanished with the loss of my best friend, my confidant, the person my world revolved around, my darling Mam,Fiona. I am trying to regain the creativity and the joy I used to get from creating things and thought this blog may help.
I live with Fibromyalgia so sometimes it's difficult but I have promised myself that I am going to aim for one creative session each day. I hope you will bear with me as I am quite out of practice with my techniques and I genuinely welcome any tips or constructive criticism of my work. I will also put a tips section, feel free to let me know if you have any to add.
That's all for now, I really hope you enjoy your visits.
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